表参道.rb #35
表参道.rb #35
see also 'actionmailer'
koic & yahonda says...
ぼく 「やったらぁ!!!!」
in ruby-head
file lists
.rl ?????
Ragel とは、Adrian Thurston によって作られたステートマシンコンパイラです。 Ragel を使うと、コンパイラやパーサの字句解析部を簡単に作れます。 また Ragel は複数の言語に対応しており、現在のところ C/C++/Objective-C/D/Java/Ruby のソースコードを生成することができます。https://magazine.rubyist.net/articles/0023/0023-Ragel.html
Way to compile ragel is undocument in README....
REQUIRED DEPENDENCIES --------------------- Colm is a mandatory dependency. http://www.colm.net/files/colm/colm- Either install this to your path or configure the location using --with-colm=DEST and pass it the prefix colm was installed to.
Colm is a mandatory dependency.
I should find another method.
-a/--auto-correct Auto-correct certain offenses. Note: Experimental - use with caution.https://rubocop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic_usage/
But, RuboCop is not code formatter.
RuboCop is a Ruby static code analyzer.https://rubocop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Rufo is as an opinionated ruby formatter, intended to be used via the command line as a text-editor plugin, to autoformat files on save or on demand.https://github.com/ruby-formatter/rufo
It seems good!
ragel → ugly ruby code → rufo → clean ruby code
I submitted 2 pull requests(were merged!)
I submitted 2 pull requests(were merged!)
I submitted 2 pull requests(were merged!)